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LOGO-TOOLS | Solidne narzędzia dla instalatorów

Katalog produktów

VIRAX Pipe Bender for Cu 12-15-18-22 mm

cena netto 1 460 zł
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Product Details
Producent: VIRAX
Zakres: 12-15-18-22 mm

Use: Bending copper pipes up to 22 mm and C-Steel pipes up to 15 mm

  • Bending angle up to 95°
  • High-quality aluminum body
  • Movable handle made of hardened steel
  • Simple and robust drive mechanism
  • High-strength hardened steel latch and gear
  • Suitable for manual or foot operation for larger diameters
  • Handle covered with anti-slip Soft Touch® material for a secure grip
  • Plastic bending segments and sliding stones with high durability
  • Bending and sliding segments reinforced with fiberglass, ensuring perfect bending results
  • Quick assembly of bending segments and sliding stones without tools
  • Supplied in a VIRABOX plastic system case

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VIRAX Pipe Bender for Cu 12-15-18-22 mm
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