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LOGO-TOOLS | Solidne narzędzia dla instalatorów

Katalog produktów

VIRAX EUROSTEM III Pipe Bender Set 15-18-22-28 (INOX)

cena netto 8 180 zł
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Product Details
Producent: VIRAX
Zakres: Cu 10-35 mm(gr. ścianki 1-1,5mm);C-Stal, Inox 10-28 mm(gr.ścianki 1-1,2 mm)/ MLP 12-40 mm / St ½-¾"

Use: Bending of hard and soft copper pipes, used in water (EN1057), steel (EN10255), INOX, C-Steel, and multilayer installations

  • Includes: drive, bending segments with 15-18-22-28 mm dies, 2 CAS Li-Ion 18V-2Ah batteries, 1 fast charger, in two VIRABOX cases
  • Includes 28 mm bending segment for INOX pipes - wall thickness 1.2 mm; bending radius 112 mm
  • Drive weight: 10 kg (total weight 21 kg)
  • 18 V/2.0Ah (CAS) lithium-ion batteries compatible with Metabo technology; usable in hundreds of tools from professional manufacturers (e.g., Metabo, Rothenberger, Baier, Collomix)
  • Bending range from 0º to 180º
  • Pivoting hook facilitates pipe mounting and removal
  • Recoil of the die after bending protects the pipe from damage
  • Long working time without recharging (e.g., 28mm copper pipe/90° - up to 50 bends)
  • Suitable for horizontal and vertical work due to two tripod sockets (accessory)
  • Compact gear housing allows bending pipes in multiple planes
  • Handle for easy transport

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VIRAX EUROSTEM III Pipe Bender Set 15-18-22-28 (INOX)
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