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LOGO-TOOLS | Solidne narzędzia dla instalatorów

Katalog produktów

RIDGID IR-200 Non-Contact Thermometer/Pyrometer

cena netto 653 zł
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Product Details
Producent: RIDGID

Use: non-contact measurement of surface and device temperatures

  • Temperature measurement range: -50°C to 1200°C
  • Measurement possible from a large distance
  • Adjustable emissivity for accurate temperature measurement of nearly any surface
  • Visual and audible alarms for temperatures outside set ranges
  • Bright backlit display
  • Measurement accuracy:
    ± 2.5°C in the temperature range from -50°C to 20°C
    ± 1°C in the temperature range from 20°C to 800°C

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RIDGID IR-200 Non-Contact Thermometer/Pyrometer
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