LOGO-TOOLS sp. z o.o.
62-040 Puszczykowo,

ul. Gen. Dąbrowskiego 22

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LOGO-TOOLS | Solidne narzędzia dla instalatorów

Katalog produktów

Kalibrator LOGO PR 16x2 - 20x2.25 - 25x2.5

cena netto 177 zł
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Product Details
Producent: LOGO-TOOLS
Zakres: 16x2- 20x2,25- 25x2,5

Purpose: Calibrating and chamfering PEX, PERT, AL-PEX, AL-PERT pipes

2 in 1 – used for calibrating and simultaneous chamfering of the pipe

  • Flat design ensures easy insertion of the calibrator into the flattened pipe
  • Shavings are removed externally - clean inside of the pipe

Possible applications: Kisan, Uponor, Wavin, Danfoss, QIK

Possible applications are provided based on the pipe diameter and wall thickness. Information as of November 30, 2019.
Before use, please verify the applicability of the calibrator with the system manufacturer.

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Kalibrator LOGO PR 16x2 - 20x2.25 - 25x2.5
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