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LOGO-TOOLS | Solidne narzędzia dla instalatorów

Katalog produktów

SUPER-EGO Supertronic 2000 automatic power threader

cena netto 4 778 zł
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Product Details
Producent: SUPER-EGO
Zakres: ¼"-2"

Use: for threading steel pipes

  • Included in set: electric motor, ½" - ¾" - 1" - 1¼" - 1½" - 2” die heads, pipe holder
  • adapter automatic for ¼-1¼" die heads
  • motor power: 1010W, 230V/50Hz; motor weight: 6 kg
  • rotation during threading: 15-25 r/min
  • reverse rotation: 58 r/min
  • constant lubrication of all the internal elements in the gearbox
  • construction of the gearbox enables work in tight spaces
  • transmission reduction through seven parallel, ball bearing mounted gear shafts, providing constant level power transmission
  • in a plastic carrying case

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SUPER-EGO Supertronic 2000 automatic power threader
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