LOGO-TOOLS sp. z o.o.
62-040 Puszczykowo,

ul. Gen. Dąbrowskiego 22

✆ tel. kom. 531-701-002 - mazowieckie, lubelskie, podlaskie, warmińsko-mazurskie (wsch. część)

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✆ tel. kom. 503-115-153 - dolnośląskie, łódzkie, opolskie

LOGO-TOOLS | Solidne narzędzia dla instalatorów

Katalog produktów

Gratownik wieloostrzowy LOGO 10-56mm

cena netto 282 zł
In stock
Product Details
Producent: LOGO-TOOLS
Zakres: 10-56 mm for Cu, C-Steel, INOX and others

Purpose: Internal and external deburring of Cu, C-steel, INOX, and other pipes

  • Durable construction for heavy-duty use
  • Abundance of specially hardened blades for easy deburring
  • High-quality deburring suitable for clamp system pipes
  • For manual use or with a low-speed electric drive
  • Quick and convenient interchange of the deburrer in the handle
  • High-quality handle (as an accessory) for mounting in a low-speed electric drive

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Gratownik wieloostrzowy LOGO 10-56mm
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