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LOGO-TOOLS | Solidne narzędzia dla instalatorów

Katalog produktów

SUPER-EGO ROBEND 4000 Pipe Bender Set 18-22-28

cena netto 5 860 zł
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Product Details
Producent: SUPER-EGO
Zakres: Cu 12-35 mm(s= 1-1,5mm)/C-Stal, Inox 12-28 mm(s=1-1,5mm) / MLP 12-32 mm / St ½-¾"

Use: Bending hard and soft copper pipes, used in water (EN1057), air conditioning and refrigeration (EN12735), steel (EN10255), INOX, C-Steel, and multilayer installations

  • Included: Drive, bending segments with pressings 18-22-28 mm, locking pin
  • In a plastic case
  • Power: 1,010 W, 230V/50Hz; drive weight: 13 kg (total weight: 23 kg)
  • Manual setting of fixed bending angles from 0º to 180º for angle repeatability
  • Convenient lever for reversing direction
  • Self-lubricating, durable 7-speed gearbox
  • Bending segments made of forged aluminum, with angle scale
  • Polyamide press - patented shape prevents pipe damage, facilitates smooth operation
  • Handle for easy transport
  • Wide range of bending segments, metric and imperial, for Cu, C-steel, Inox, and steel pipes

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SUPER-EGO ROBEND 4000 Pipe Bender Set 18-22-28
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