LOGO-TOOLS sp. z o.o.
62-040 Puszczykowo,

ul. Gen. Dąbrowskiego 22

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LOGO-TOOLS | Solidne narzędzia dla instalatorów

Katalog produktów

12L 2-Valve Cylinder for Recovery of Refrigerants (Gray)

cena netto 615 zł
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Product Details
Producent: LOGO-TOOLS
Zakres: maximum pressure: 48 bar

Use: for storing non-flammable refrigerant gases recovered from refrigeration systems

  • Durable and robust cylinder with two valves
  • Maximum gas pressure: 48 bar
  • Maximum capacity: 12.5 kg
  • Weight: 7.8 kg
  • Suitable for all non-flammable refrigerants that require a tank with a test pressure of 48 bar
  • Connections: GZ 1/4" SAE

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12L 2-Valve Cylinder for Recovery of Refrigerants (Gray)
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